
Chewbacca Bass Face is hilarious.

Fun Fun with Wun Wun. I picture it as a high-stakes Wipeout where at least one contestant each week gets smashed against a wall.

Ugh, don't get me started on Big Steam.

Did your seat get a 'B.O.B.' sticker?

I just watched him in Short Term 12. He doesn't have much to do in it but Brie Larson sure is a treat.

I think we're all missing the point here; what did it taste like?

This is a level of douchebaggery I simply can't support.

Also the name of the Rounders sequel, after they move on to blackjack.

The sexy, sexy leaves.

You're right, I don't know where my brain pulled that number from.

It really isn't. To say were all genetically interchangable due to common ancestory is to ignore 13 million years of segregated human populations and very obvious genotypic and phenotypic variation. It's not a philosophical or moral or cultural classification; it's biology.

Yeah, that's not how genetics works either.

I saw someone on a news report say something similar; "I'd never eat any food with DNA in it!". That's not even genetics though, it's basic biology.

And some of those people are casting agents? The kid might not be a reasonable approximation of the characters' offspring's phenotype, even given any possible transgressive segregation, but it's a silly thing to get worked up about.

The A.V. Club

Put some plastic down first.

Is a Drama degree from Yale considered superior? Does it get you into more movies or something?

The competitor tried to kill him, and actually did kill a Shell employee. He was sentenced to murder.

Other notable Kentucky Colonels (apparently a real thing); Colonel Muhammad Ali, Colonel Elvis Presley and Colonel Hunter S. Thompson.

It's not murder if they fight back!