
Can anyone else see avatars? They're all dead for me.

If it's about Chicago-style pizza then the "horror" part is redundant.

Definitely Ontario.

Agghhh flamin' fuckwad dunny whooooop!

I agree totally with your 'opinion vs fact' argument. I do however believe there's a way to factually define the most greivous forms of hate speech. I wasn't suggesting that it should be left as a nebulous term, that would be a shitty attempt at law.

You allow a Judge to determine when "free speech" crosses over into "libel" or "slander", why would "hate speech" be any different?

So what I'm really curious about now is how you balance your "I can't see it therefore it's a lie" stance with your literal Creationist faith? I'm assuming you also dismiss things like radiocarbon dating and plate tectonics too?

So satellites don't exist either?

How do "they" keep all the airline pilots quiet? The ones that need to fly curved routes over the globe 1000's of times every day.

I've never heard of him.

I knew a Masters candidate who swore she saw a werewolf on campus. I've also had the distinct displeasure of having to work with several post-docs who couldn't find their own ass if I drew them a map, and clearly had no ability to replicate the work they claim to have done to get their PhDs. Sadly there's far too many

Aussie BBQ sauce is terrible. Despite our ingrained love of outdoor cookery It's sad how little Australians actually know about BBQ.

Acker? I 'ardly knew 'er!

Fucking PLoS One will publish anything. Sorting tweets is not a legitimate, non-biased sampling method for fuck's sake.

Well in that case fuck the greedy bastards.

They do, and they put corn on it.

I can kinda see their point if SXSW are the ones putting up the accommodations and sponsoring the visas.


I'd wager that song existed before they found the person to sing it. It practically screams "demographics study".