
Did she even write her own songs?

As punishment he's been sentenced to listen to Nickelback.

"season 24 of Dancing With The Stars features an NFL running back (Rashad Jennings)"

If I ever make it that far east I'll be sure to make time for a visit.

Have you been to Unfiltered?

I can't even buy beer at the supermarket.

My high school biology teacher had non-identical twins named Xy (boy) and Xo (girl). I guess they though "Xx" was too crazy.

Also, back-up drives are DOPE.

Isn't saying "fiction and non-fiction books about aliens" like saying "both kinds of music; Country AND Western"?

They need to be isolated and studied so it can be determined what
nutrients they have that might be extracted for our personal use.

From my experience "Persian giver" would mean they give as much as they possibly can and refuse any thanks or praise for doing so.

Finding “justification for aggression and war” is their jam.

My distaste for AJ's plot arch later in the series is what's been stopping me revisiting the show. Well, that and a small child who won't leave Daddy the fuck alone to watch his stories.

Why is he holding a rally AFTER he's taken office? And who's paying for it?

Look at all the jobs he's created already!

It says he's "touring in Vegas", it doesn't say they're paying him…or that he was even invited.

Mom asked "Who are you to talk about "staying up"?"

Even FOX FUCKING NEWS is questioning him now:

Try something like "You spelled 'weakly' wrong!"

My guy sounds like your youngest; very bright and happy and eager to play with other kids. He's up to around 250 words now, and using two-word phrases all the time, which is amazing given he only had 15-20 words about 8 months ago (at age 2.5).