

Also, in some studies the vaccinated group has actually had a slightly lower rate of autism than the unvaccinated.

He's made some great progress in the last 6 months. We're pretty hopeful he'll still make it to school at the regular time.

My study is ready to go but the damn ethics committee won't let me purchase the babies I need!

I'm going through this with Lil Knife right now. One of the hardest things is trying to seperate high-functioning autisic behaviour from regular 3 year-old behaviour. He has delayed speech development, which is the only reason he was flagged as 'potentially autistic'.

It's really quite breathtaking in it's batshittiness.

Asked about Flynn: "I didn't direct him, but I would have directed him if he didn't do it."

There are lots of reasonable conservatives out there, they've mostly just been shocked into silence.

I caught a bit of this last night and it seemed bat-shit crazy…in a good way? I might have to give it a chance.

I just assumed he didn't want to share the writing credit.

Not in this economy!

Or not even being introduced?

If it lasts forever why do they need to sell new ones?

He's damn lucky O'Neal didn't see this first!

He's only carrying the football when they're traveling. I imagine he spends most of his time sitting around the White House waiting.

I always wondered if there was an dish named "Flamin' Mongrels".

So did Stressed Out.

So how much is that per hour?

Where's Ron Dayne when you need him!

Congrats to our resident Pats fans.