
Yes, never to be confused with Lucas, who has no family.

I heard an interview with Weird Al recently and he and Coolio are now cool(io).

That's the "probably your fault" type.

Sometimes something gets so shitty it's actually interesting again. I feel like this would push it past that point, to shitty redux.

We've moved on from that. Now you get Lou Gehrig's Ebola.


You need to man the fuck up and start wearing the pants in your casual acquaintanceships.

How did his son die?

The A.V. Club (tm)

But what type of unholy madness is "chicken ham"?


I'm guessing a sweet Gov. bailout. She's clearly too big to fail.

I'm kinda hazy though I remember they'd jumped the science shark pretty hard by the end of it.

Wasn't VW closed, then reopened as a fresh company as part of the effort to build an economy in West Germany?

"It’s only the third scripted show for Bravo…"

Finished Fargo Season 1 yesterday after I FINALLY caught S1 & S2 on my PVR (FX Canada is awful for replaying their premium content, FYI). Really enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to seeing what they do in S2, and I've heard Kirsten Dunst is a treat.

Sure he'd probably just as racist but at least he'd be polite.

Did you call it "Joe Buck Yourself"?

…and this is where I'm getting off. They've been free-wheeling too much for my liking; having Ivar kill Sigurd is so unnecessary. The real exploits of the Ragnarsson Bros. are dramatic enough; there's no need to rewrite history this much.
