Protection for gays regarding employment will be accepted with limited exceptions. Trans-rights will not.
Protection for gays regarding employment will be accepted with limited exceptions. Trans-rights will not.
“Ich bin ein Berliner”
Wow, we don’t have the meat or (heaven forbid) Brat issues in my area.
Fall grilling? What is with this seasonal distinction? The differences between seasons for grilling are subtle at best. Really the only changes are what sport are we tailgating for and is the Yeti keeping the beers cold or keeping them from freezing solid?
Extra points to you! I haven’t heard a flightless Australian bird pun since the Reagan Administration.
What a chicken.
you need to go over to Deadspin or Take-Out and get some pointers on humor.
Did you and Ham No make some sort of bet?
Don’t you mean a “poultry 3.3%”? Hee hee..... Um ok, I’ll just sit over here and be quiet.
In Wisconsin this guy would go broke in a day or is a genius and everyone would reach their limit in 15 minutes.
In small towns those delivery services are too expensive or slow or non-existent. To may home it’s an hour wait and over $10 to get some Wendy’s.
Point Root Beer. And it has nothing to do with the taste testing I did in college when they were developing it.
They need to spend a few coins on a lawyer. If you have a plumbing problem you call a plumber don’t you?
I remember in college the food service was a place called Pop’s. You could go in there for dinner and know that the cheese burger you got had been made before 10am that day by the way all the burger components had fused into one.
Ma Baensch Pickled Herring. “The Kiss of Health since 1932"
I worked at McDonalds when these first came out. The process back then was to cook them on the grill and then store them in a vat of steaming hot BBQ sauce. They were only supposed to sit for maybe an hour but managers would cut corners and in an effort to reduce their waste percentage would let them sit longer. There…
Not an exactly escaped animal story but close. It takes place in Wisconsin so it includes a tavern. There was an old guy who took his horse to the tavern (and almost everywhere else) because age had dimmed the gentleman’s sight enough he couldn’t drive. One afternoon the horse is seen at the owners favorite tavern but…
So coffee plus cinnamon spit out by a gas station style machine. Yummy
Looks like assault to me.