
Waffle buns was my nick-name in college. 

Good name? 

Looks like a hooker rolling grandpa. 

I don’t play the lottery and I don’t pay for a used car without seeing it in person. 

Wages should be a percentage of revenue based on a tier system. Players would get more as revenue rises. This is, when all is said and done, a business. 

Who just rinses the pot and basket? It gets washed every day its used. I would rinse between pots during the day but at the end it gets soap and water. 

From my understanding the main issue of plastic over aluminum is cost. I would be interested to see what can be done to used plastic to make it meet USDA/FDA specs for food contact. Also what is the total carbon footprint of an aluminum can over a plastic bottle? Questions I can’t seem to google answers for. 

Almost as bad as all the CBD oil nonsense. 

He needs to realize that the rules apply to everyone. 

OK Story time from Uncle Bongo: Way back when Four Loko had caffeine my Aunt ventured to the big city (Madison, WI) to get supplies for a big “Cinco De Mayo” (pronounced like mayonnaise) since the only Mexican supplies in my home town came from Old El Paso. While in the liqueur department buying Corona she snagged a

These people are screwing things up to disabled people with service animals.

The only proper old fashion is made with brandy.

I could have saved you some time on this one. Name a brand or national restaurant chain you can get a savory frozen item. 

Thats almost a salad.

Um what about Santa? If you are going to play the JC card

It’s pretty much a Wisconsin thing, not just at the colleges. 

Would not having the Olympics anymore be worse than having them? I think the upside has been shrinking since the 1972 games. 

Madison is overall #1 for plain old drunk. They were trying for the trifecta of fat, drunk and stupid but lost out to other Wisconsin schools.

I am thinking more of applicable criminal history that can be used to restrict hiring. I had to testify against a former employer (I wont say their name but it rhymed with Bollywood Mideo) because their policy was to hire no one with a felony conviction and where I was at the time the conviction had to be relevant to