Waffle buns was my nick-name in college.
Waffle buns was my nick-name in college.
Good name?
Looks like a hooker rolling grandpa.
I don’t play the lottery and I don’t pay for a used car without seeing it in person.
Wages should be a percentage of revenue based on a tier system. Players would get more as revenue rises. This is, when all is said and done, a business.
Who just rinses the pot and basket? It gets washed every day its used. I would rinse between pots during the day but at the end it gets soap and water.
From my understanding the main issue of plastic over aluminum is cost. I would be interested to see what can be done to used plastic to make it meet USDA/FDA specs for food contact. Also what is the total carbon footprint of an aluminum can over a plastic bottle? Questions I can’t seem to google answers for.
Almost as bad as all the CBD oil nonsense.
He needs to realize that the rules apply to everyone.
OK Story time from Uncle Bongo: Way back when Four Loko had caffeine my Aunt ventured to the big city (Madison, WI) to get supplies for a big “Cinco De Mayo” (pronounced like mayonnaise) since the only Mexican supplies in my home town came from Old El Paso. While in the liqueur department buying Corona she snagged a…
These people are screwing things up to disabled people with service animals.
The only proper old fashion is made with brandy.
I could have saved you some time on this one. Name a brand or national restaurant chain you can get a savory frozen item.
Thats almost a salad.
Um what about Santa? If you are going to play the JC card
It’s pretty much a Wisconsin thing, not just at the colleges.
Would not having the Olympics anymore be worse than having them? I think the upside has been shrinking since the 1972 games.
Madison is overall #1 for plain old drunk. They were trying for the trifecta of fat, drunk and stupid but lost out to other Wisconsin schools.
I am thinking more of applicable criminal history that can be used to restrict hiring. I had to testify against a former employer (I wont say their name but it rhymed with Bollywood Mideo) because their policy was to hire no one with a felony conviction and where I was at the time the conviction had to be relevant to…