
Wow there seem to be a good number of people who have almost a personal connection to this product. Emotional about a food item at BK. 

See all the big jacked up trucks here in Trumpsconsin I dont think there are enough people here who would care.


He used to be a boxing writer and worked for HBO. 

Ham, there are many articles you write that just sound like the pouting of a jealous child. This one screams it. 

This is all going to come down tot he contract the participants signed. I would be interested to see how much they got paid to be on the show. 

I dabble in horking now and then myself. 

Thank you. Hammy Sammy should stick to writing about Boxing. I mean that hasn’t changed in 100 years has it? 

I grow a distraction garden that is easy to get too full of things they like and dont do anything more than maybe water it. Varmints take the path of least resistance.

Try Mr 12 gauge! 

Are Pearson’s salted nut rolls too regional. Far superior to a Payday

Have you guys looked at any pictures of the schools teaching staff and admin? Black on black racism? 

Maybe its the custard Mafia Keeping Freddy’s out

No Freddy’s in cheese land.  

Went to the Milwaukee location. The wait was crazy, the prices were crazy and the food was blah. Culvers is better all the way around. 

I remember when 3 or 4 of these popped up in my area and within 2 years they were gone. I have to go to Illinois now to get my cravings satisfied. Happened about the same time all of the Long John Silvers left but I can’t imagine that was connected. 

OK so no burning, beating, stomping, etc... any effigy on ether side. Lets not be hypocrites.

My company treats this as medical leave. There is nothing paid by the company as it would not be fair to give paid leave to some people and not to others just because of choices they make (with limited exceptions, I understand) about reproducing. 

Remove or cap the outlets. Plugging in lamps wont stop the hardcore people from just unplugging them

So UFC is now staged like WWE?