This bar is as pretentious as Jr tries to be.
This bar is as pretentious as Jr tries to be.
I don’t know what powdered mustard you use but tsp of powdered is way more potent that a tsp of prepared.
The Chuck around here has weekly police calls for drunk parents. Back when I was a foster parent I had a Foster Mom raise her hands to me to fight when I came to pick up her daughter, right in front of the kid and the visitation worker. I asked her if she wanted to get arrested in the presence of a person in a giant…
And now he leaves Milwaukee in 3,2,....
I always ask for places I order from to use paper void-fill if possible. Most do.
You know those bins at the stores are either A) Given to places like Goodwill or B) Thrown out? I worked in the recycling industry and I never knew of anyone in a 3 state area who recycled these. We would find these int he big box stores compactors.
Crispy edges on your eggs means you have over-cooked them.
Don’t they fine people in Baseball?
I am Amazed Pizza Hut isn’t on this guys case.
I thought it was “Tantrum” which would be a cool and real name for a brand with lousy reliability like the Fiat Tantrum.
I used to be related to Callaway and this behavior doesn’t surprise me. You shold see him at Thanksgiving.
Anyone who is trying to make money on a used item will sell you two for less than they would have sold one. I do this on a weekly basis on a smaller scale. You want to buy one widget A? Thats $100 (I make $20) Want to buy widget B? Thats $150 (I make $30) Want to buy both at the same time now? I can do that for $240…
People will believe what they want. It wont change any Trump supporters minds but it may get someone off the sidelines.
My family has owned taverns for decades in Wisconsin and I can tell you if one of our bartenders presented the attitude shown here they would be out on their can.
A Wisconsin Old Fashion is a correctly made Old Fashion, particularly if it is made in a place with a bar that is older than your grandparents.
And the people that voted for him eat this crap up and ask for more! They are going to change the name of the country to WWE!
Well rat is a meat, they could try it.
I use ground cheetos to make a very good baked chicken breading. I am surprised they didnt go that route.
I am in no way advocating war. I am just pointing out that Ham here regularly advocates for revolution but is saying no war. What do you think your revolution would be?
White power fraternity, when you thought fraternities couldn’t get any worse.