Mortal Wombat

Grisham was huge, but Francis Ford Coppola’s name was even bigger.

I’m guessing there were links involved.

You’re an asshole.

once again, fuck you Chick-fil-a and your creepy draconian bias against people. Your chicken is bland and that excuse you call breading is like hamster bedding.

I genuinely appreciated the piece, it seemed fairly well researched.

Mad Max: Furry Robe

I will die before I replace my Beethoven’s Fifth “Nobody’s home! Nobody’s hoooome!” tape on my answering machine. It’s been years since anyone has called the landline that I still have for that very purpose, but if they do, are they in for a hilarious treat.

This movie is sleazy garbage. But it is an absolute-freaking-blast! Seen it a million times. And I’ll watch it every time I come across it.

Yes. I’m not sure how to feel about that scene. It is complex because on one side is has Ian totally agreeing that he has privilege but on the other side it has that talking down to. I think that they were trying to make it specific about Rachel and make it about how she doesn’t really know what she wants but it is a

I think the point was that she’s not perfectly fine just liking her job playing video games. And she has been lashing out at outside things rather than figuring out/working on what would be better for her. She was talking to Ian about how she’s worried about her new relationship, after so long wishing for it to get


- Cillian Murphy should never be put in a beard again because it hides his impeccable cheek bones and does a disservice to his face.

A Silent (but Deadly) Place

Yeah, I still don’t see it. SupDudeHey had a pretty OK breakdown, but at the end of the day, if we’re comparing brisket-to-brisket, that should still be a nominal increase, at best.

Shit costs what it costs. If you’ve got to raise prices to keep your business open, raise prices. It ain’t like customers have a lot of other options since no business in its right mind will operate at a loss for long.

If ever there were a time when the public wouldn't balk at higher prices, it would be after not being able to go to restaurants for over a year. Raise prices! In this case, it's not as though all ingredients are increasing as much as brisket. Raise all prices 15%, don't just single out the brisket for a whopping price

Thank you for that, after having worked with a few I’m no longer shocked to find that nutritionists and registered dietitians are fucking idiots.

Like pretty much all other cooking methods, it depends on what you cook and how much of it you cook. This is the same question as “are some foods healthy and some unhealthy.

Are you surprised or upset to hear that your trail of queerphobic comments paint an unpleasant picture of who you seem to be as a person?