Mortal Wombat

Ah, was cute and fun. But it helped that I was living a few blocks from the park at the time, and they did a surprisingly good job of grounding that show in the real space.

Yeah, Moon is my least-favorite character. It feels like it should work — his lack of empathy and inflated sense of self should be okay since he’s the youngest and just a little kid.

Huh, I wonder if it was a (francophone) chain. I remember there being an Indiana’s or two when I lived in Paris 20 years ago.


This makes me sad. My sister was diagnosed with MS 15 years ago, and my wife was diagnosed with MS 5 years ago. We’re all currently in our mid to late 40s. For both, it’s been well controlled by medication — you wouldn’t know they had it unless they told you. That's not to say it hasn't imposed some limitations on

I mean, the chains are trying to improve accuracy, cut costs (specifically by reducing labor costs) and exert greater control over the selling script.

Exactly. Poker isn’t the right comparison, *video poker* is. In that context, referring to stacked house odds would make sense -- video poker machines do that just like every other machine in Vegas.

How it it not worth factoring into the review? It obviously is directly important to the reviewer’s viewing of this movie, and it’s a friendly heads-up to readers.

Post-release edits happen all the time. Like, removing all the sandworm butthole shots.

Yep. Or you can continuously conjure words — “real time” — that he never said, to desperately try to prove yourself right.

It’s weird to me how in all the zillion* Balatro articles I’ve read, no one makes the obvious connection to video poker machines. Y’know, those things that have been around in Vegas since at least my first visit in the late 80s, which had really lo-res graphics of playing cards and a fixed menu of payouts based on the

Uber, Ticketmaster, and other internet-native businesses”

You keep harping on “real time”. That’s not what the CEO said in the earnings call that unleashed this whole brouhaha:

This game is entirely unsatisfying. Like, now I want to see a list of Denzel movies that won Golden Globes, because I got it wrong.

He’ll always be Prince John to me.

And that is why contracts exist.

That price reduction was always going to take time, because although the popularity of the apple took off in the mid-’90s and growers quickly planted more trees to keep up, those trees have taken a long time to reach maturity.”

No way, he’s at least one notch above Adam Carolla. And then transitive property and all that.

Nothing about this comment makes sense.

What don’t you get? Kimmel needs to fill an hour every night, and this is his is his kind of bit.