Mortal Wombat

As a bicentennial baby, I always had the sense that gummy stuff entered the country in my lifetime. I vaguely remember the feeling of novelty.

Interesting, such a wide variety.

Which fruits?

“House Of The Dragon seems to have wildly varying ideas of what a 14-year-old looks like.”

As much as I love Hanks, that sounds more interesting to me. Getting a little a view into another culture would help offset how well-worn this storyline is.

Man, that is a *flaming* hot take for someone who deigns to spend his time posting on the AV Club.

Holy shit, you were railing against anti-vaxxers on March 9, 2020. Have I got some bad news for future you.

Man, this review really sucks. Like, I can maybe kinda get being upset about the deaths, but given the show we’re watching I don’t see how it’s a surprise. I mean, they already played the first four deaths for laughs, and then wrung more laughs out of the corpses.

Robot Restaurant is awesome, but kind of a misnomer — I don’t think we ordered anything other than drink in the waiting area.

Yes, anything’s possible. Of course there exist beers that pair almost as well with food as wine. Similarly, I know chefs who could actually formulate a milkshake that pairs with sushi.

The hype was overblown, as is reportage of the “downfall” of fake meat.

I know it’s very personally troubling for you that this option, which affects you not at all, is available to other people. Major negative to your QOL.

Don’t be obtuse. Some people get super upset about it, like this jackwagon:

Many people have minor ethical qualms with eating animals and how those animals are treated, just not enough to make them give up meat.

Yes, thrilling as your big insider’s reveal on the wine marketing.

As someone who’s been drinking for 24 years, I can tell you wine pairs way better with food than beer does.

Is this English? Am I having a stroke?

I don’t find it to be a problem. But then I’ve been at it for over 20 years, and perhaps experience makes a difference.

Yeah, I’m not convinced there is a casting problem. But if there is, it’s with casting an Aegon who doesn’t look clearly older than Aemond.

Beer just doesn’t pair with food like wine does. Too much carbonation, too heavy.