Yeah, the waiver won’t hold up, but the one thing the plaintiffs will have to get past is their own duty of care.
Yeah, the waiver won’t hold up, but the one thing the plaintiffs will have to get past is their own duty of care.
Certainly hazing can be a lifestyle, but what you described was not getting employees hooked on *hazing*, you moron. They’re getting em hooked on “expensive cars ... fancy vacations”. That lifestyle. Just like you described.
Who do you think the “you” in my comment was? Taco Bell? Of course Taco Bell needs to take their shit seriously, they’re running the brand.
You’re taking this much too seriously.
Yep, this is hazing for sure.
What you’ve described is not hazing. That’s trying to get people hooked on a lifestyle.
You’re actually afraid that you’re strong enough to put a key through your hand? You do know that beer cans are made of very thin aluminum, right?
It’s possible (though silly) to shotgun a can without pulling the tab, but this isn’t that.
No they don’t. Re-read the description, you don’t understand what’s going on here.
I call bullshit. No one has ever found a michelada disgusting. You may not like it, but actual disgust would be the reaction of a 6-year-old.
Get over yourself some day and try a chelada — or better yet, a michelada — or hell, just a shandy — and you’ll learn what a great cocktail ingredient beer can be.
This isn’t shotgunning - you shotgun a beer right side up, and crack the tab. This is drinking from DIY holes.
The only description in the article of the actual dessert was “a towering ice cream cone with squarish scoops of chocolate, strawberry, pistachio, orange sherbet, and Palmer House (a combination of vanilla and cherry with walnuts)“.
I guess Potbelly isn’t quite nationwide/found everywhere? They’ve happened to be in an the various places I’ve lived, but I guess I’ve just been lucky.
I had easy access to Subway and Blimpie’s 25 years ago, and the only reason we went to Blimpie’s was because we were poor college students and it had better deals than Subway.
“near Kamala Harris's home" is a really weird detail
Uni is fantastic. I think of it as the butter of the sea, only softer/creamier and it’s okay to eat it straight.
I mean, if you’re an actual giant asshole who always plays giant assholes, I suppose that’s technically not Method.
The absurd variety of Kit Kats is fun for a.bit, but gets old fast. The vast majority of them suck.
Yes, all of our food is highly processed. Your point was that this is the “unhealthiest” of all foods, an absurd claim backed by nothing. A beef hamburger is also extremely processed.