Mortal Wombat

Gems absolutely would’ve gotten made without Sandler. Whether anyone would’ve watched it is hard to say, but those movies get made plenty (and often overlooked).

I’ll say it again: Why in the world do you care that movies you don’t like are making more money than ones you do?

Except that doesn’t make sense. It’s not an apt comparison to put Nothing But Touble next to Rise of Skywalker.

This idea that there was wider variety in the past is silly.

Nah, as someone not interested in Marvel stuff, who simply skips the boring- looking stuff, Ragnarok was great. Caught in on airplane, and it was hilarious and fun.

Eh, that’s what someone much more into beer than me told me once. I think it’s not strong enough to qualify?

Duly noted.

This is nuts. Bud Light and the other Light beers are the classic hang-out-all-day-in-the-heat-drinking-beer beers. There was many a tailgate in my 20s, for football or baseball, where we never made it into the game and just hung around all day drinking. Depending on who was buying, it could’ve been Bud Light or

Coors Light is perfectly serviceable hot-day light beer, and I’m always happy to grab one out of the cooler at the tailgate.

That’s way, way WAY too many Marvel characters. Wake me up at ... ten, I guess?

You literally think that McConnell wouldn’t have gone nuclear for Gorsuch if Reid hadn’t eliminated the fed judge filibuster? After the shit McConnell had just pulled to keep Garland off the bench?

Big nonsequitur guy I see

Don’t be an idiot, this ruling would’ve overruled a federal law codifying Roe, had there been one. Building this Court has been the 40-year project of FedSoc and the R’s, handpicking justices who would do it (while claiming they wouldn’t). There’s no way the Court lets an easily overreaching federal law stand in its

If you think people voting for Gary Johnson was part of the problem, you’re extremely confused.

The codification wouldn’t have fallen with this SC ruling. Don’t be an idiot.

Oh do fuck off. If you think McConnell wouldn’t have done exactly the same thing, even if Harry Reid *had* given him every damn thing he ever asked for plus a hand job, then you’re an extreme idiot.

I was a big Five Alive guy myself.

Nah, it was always sad. Way, way too greasy — just grease pooled on the pizza.

Yeah, that was definitely the only one I was humming along to before I even hit play.

No Pudding Pops?