Mortal Wombat

Having not watched any of this show, I definitely thought the non-"light" option was going to be the guy with the bow and arrow shooting Rocky the Owl.

If fewer good movies are being made, or fewer good quirky or dramatic or diverse or experimental or (other adjectives here) movies are being made, I see that as a problem.

I’m intrigued to know how they’ll be handling the 50 lucky souls who scored the lifetime pasta pass for $500.

Wait, so what is the problem then?

It’s how Crayola should’ve handled the whole “flesh” color crayon debacle

My old POS Camaro used to leak a tiny bit of coolant, which burned on the engine block.

Why kick this off with a slew of videos that were true?

Surprised the scratching section didn’t mention clipping claws.

This show’s great.

Our pot of catnip went crazy over the summer. We tried making a catnip cocktail (had worked great with other herbs, shiso, basil, lemon balm etc).

I’m a little lost on what you’re saying on leafy vegetables. Take the precautions or no because they don’t work?

Didn’t read the article? Here, just for you:

Agree that people are taking this thought experiment way too seriously.

Ah, that’s not it.

Not worrying about meat-borne pathogens is one of my favorite things about my wife being vegetarian.

Tim McGraw is way worse than bland. Fuck that guy.

Well put, and much better than I would have. But my thoughts exactly.

Wow, I’ve never heard of Christmas Shoes before. That it... painful.

I hear what you’re saying, but I feel like there were too very distinct problems for Longbottom. One was his fraud and its lifelong effects, the other was his jealousy and anger about the other two getting together. I felt like his eventual reconciliation with the guy only addressed the latter.

Ugh, that fucking scene where the fucking hero heroically fingerbangs the hot Russian(?) spy, and we see it from the perspective of his fucking fingers.