Mortal Wombat

Typo. Was supposed to be “God”.

Good, Dylan is a terrible singer. As great a songwriter and just all-around vibe the man was, even he couldn’t pull off the so-shitty-it’s-interesting thing, say, half the time. And by the time he was old” he could pull it off never (parents took my sister and me to a Dylan concert in the mid-90s, almost ruined him

Oh, and I really couldn’t get into that Please Don’t Destroy bit. It’s so rooted in early-20s self-absorption that I’m just way too old to relate.

Now playing

So we finally got the Donald Trump impression you were looking for, and it was basically Donald Trump. Not a funnier or more heightened or more absurd Trump, just Trump. Pretty much the same one all his fans fell in love with, except mildly less misshapen and mildly more lucid.

You’re right on the legal issues, and seemingly the only one in the thread who knows that stuff.

Houston has a 3-foot ordinance, and drivers are supposed to change lanes where feasible. The state has had a 3-foot law come up for vote a few times, but it’s never passed.

Agree, but it’s not just a cop problem, it’s a society problem. Most drivers, particularly when they’re actually behind the wheel and driving, see the workd the same way.

But I am a solid supporter of putting things on fries.”

You could also watch him change, almost in real time, and it’s was fascinating. His very first show (I forget which was calked what now), it was basically the ugly American abroad, thinking he was generally better than the places he was visiting. That condescension was later replaced with respect and admiration for

Elf is hilarious, an all-time comedy. I love it as much as Ghostbusters (1984), which I did first see as a kid, in theaters when it first came out.

And I thought it was embarrassing to get fired for stealing boxes.

Come on. Any such list without Monster Mash is just trolling.

Yeah. I remember when Nightmare came out, I was in high school, and I really wanted it to be meaningful — at a minimum as thoughtful and with as much to say as frickin Edward Scissorhands and its critique of suburbia.

Your comments make not a lick of sense. Predicting the broad path of humanity over long timeframes is utter nonsense, something well understood now but not at the time.

There’s no shortcut home.

The unfortunately titled ‘Slutty Pumpkin’”.

Everyone gets the joke.

Meh, you make it sound like we desperately need a comedy that takes on class/labor issues, but haven’t watched the one that we do have.

If they’re not competing with ground coffee, then who cares?

Don’t give me your strawman comparison. It’s not that shipping water is “expensive”, it’s that shipping water is extremely carbon intensive.