Mortal Wombat

My god, talk about low effort.

I have no problem with synthetic coffee, or synthetic anything, but I’m heavily skeptical that this is more environmentally friendly than ground coffee or beans given that they’re shipping a bunch of water and aluminum around the country.

Lemme know when there’s a method that doesn’t require a room triple the size of my bed, so I can stand there at the foot of my bed flapping something bigger than my whole damn bed without so much as grazing a lamp.

Yeah, if Angelo is what Perkins has been yearning for all these years, I might have to stop crediting his opinions on what SNL should be aiming for. It’s a mediocre joke, repeated three or four times. Roughly the quality I’d expect when my buddy emcee’d the performance night for the level 3 improv class.

To be real, as Pete has softened over the years he looks less and less like Malek. Look way back and the resemblance was reasonably strong.

Interesting, I'm having a hard time imagining how that tastes. Like a very sweet trail mix or something?

I don’t like candy corn, but I believe the author when she says this ice cream is delicious.

Honey is one of the ingredients.

You know, I just read a good article that discusses that exact point in detail... let me find it for you.

You think this is some private therapy session between your and the comedians, y’all just working your shit out?

I don’t know. Daniels was born in 1959, making him three (maybe four, he was born in December) years younger than the character in Wonder Years.


Agree with you, but you’re taking it too far. Nate has been a bad person, selfish, dishonest, and unwilling to take blame for his mistakes — just like you described.

Missed it completely.

Was Nate at West Ham? I meant to look up what that black jersey was, but I never did.

Harvey Weinsten-looking guy is too loaded. You’re automatically pulling in implications of the power Weinstein has and strings he could pull related to the people he had power over. That simply doesn’t exist in sports where the players earn at the level of men’s soccer.

Agree that it would be bad for the team, but the issues aren’t the power dynamics. I mean, if you want to extend the concept of “power dynamics” to include the extra power that Sam would relative to other players by virtue of dating the owner, then yes — but that’s not what’s meant in the article above.

Well, one of the actors is named “Finn Wolfhard”. Sets a high bar.

Well shit, 10 year old me did have a lot of love for the old cartoon. To say I take it seriously would be a reach, but I was pretty heavy into the ‘Busterverse. So maybe...

Oh god Evolution was terrible. It’s what finally convinced me that we’re just never getting another Ghostbusters again, so appreciate the one we’ve got.