Mortal Wombat

But Skeletor is the archetypal sneering, cackling villain. Way before Joker.

Your comment was “no one anywhere should ... want[] to see a Tyler Perry movie”.

Good god, could you be more condescending? Tyler Perry’s audience loves Tyler Perry’s movies, and your opinion on what they should want to see is something to keep to your damn self.

Needs more Orko

You have a very limited view of what cities look like. This would be feasible almost everywhere in Houston.

That was “Madelyn Moelis” prior to starting her company.

Huh, neural network makes so much more sense. Reasonable sci fi hand-waving, where the battery thing is just funny/dumb. They totally should’ve gone with that.

My experience with the first Matrix movies was that as an engineering undergrad at the time, I thought the movie was awesome but dumb (humans as power sources, so inefficient and just plain dumb), dumb fun (Keanu Reeves is the chosen one), and I assumed the director had a real sense of humor.

Fair. The only orangeade I can think of in my life read sad little cups, 30+ years ago, at either McDonald’s or maybe a Little League game? And the Florida-kid snob I was said this stuff is nowhere near as good as real orange juice (by this point, non-heat-treated non-frozen OJ that scissor tasted but that fast frying

Jesus Christ, have your ever had an Arnold Palmer?

I’m more intrigued by your support of orangeade as a standalone. Just doesn’t seem like orange juice would be improved my sweetening and dilution like lemonade is.

No it didn’t. Only hella dorks followed the EU stuff. I was a big dork, huge Star Wars fan, watched some part of the trilogy at countless sleepovers. I read one EU book and decided it wasn’t for me; not a big enough dork.

Was excited to try the Jollibee in Queens after some great experiences with other cultures’ McDonald’s equivalents (Coco Ichibanya with their “curry” is the FUCKING BOMB). Tried the sweet spaghetti with sliced hot dogs because from what I’d read it’s the most Filipino-typical dish. Sadly, I most definitely wasn’t into

It’s not gonna happen. As good as it would feel for “dipshit rapture” to come for them all, there’s simply too much immunity (both vax and post-recovery) and too much sensitivity to outbreaks in the populace. I’ll take any odds you want that total new US infections from this point forward will be less than a tenth of

That makes _much_ more sense than what was stated in the article:

The risk isn’t going to skyrocket, but that fact is in spite of these dipshits. The majority of the population being vaccinated will do what the distancing and masking had been doing.

There’s clearly sethong missing/mistaken in this analysis.

So rather than actually provide these “multiple reports and studies” that “prove” your position, you just make this naked assertion again?

At least you’re walking back the milk bullshit. That complaint was obviously wrong to anyone with the slightest familiarity with US milk subsidies.

I’m referring to that moment in time. Francis Ford Coppola was and is better-known than Grisham at his peak.