Mortal Wombat

I have to say, opening a restaurant looks like the worst business move anyone can make. I mean, most restaurants — even really good ones with great buzz — close eventually. Generally, the people involved lose money.

And drivers think they have a divine right to never be delayed by a slower-moving vehicle.

And we’ve set the bar to getting to that step absurdly low. None of this testing should be legal, and it probably isn’t in many places, given driver licensing requirements.

I was discussing this issue with my wife last night: Why is everyone so cool with such a gendered slam with the whole “Karen” thing?

I’ve never criticized a question here before, but this is just dumb. It isn’t a question, it’s a long-winded rant with a question mark at the end.

Doesn’t really bear on the argument you were responding to, which is that ketchup and tomatoes don’t taste much alike anyways, and don’t bring the same things to a burger.

Japan. I swear to God if I dropped wet food on the street in Kyoto, I’d still consider eating it.

Seriously, 17 paragraphs of lead up and then the example is making a cold salad from the cold bar at the grocery store?

What’s wrong with sweetness in a savory dish?

“It should be noted there are other types of ketchup beside tomato.”

This is dumb in conception, even worse in execution.

Chill out. I lived in Texas for 25 years, and never heard that term. I think that guy made it up.

How about when you just lay it between the lines, and then they respond and prove it themselves that they’re a dumbass? Does that work at getting them to stop being dumbasses?

You evidence a ton of hard for their pizza, but I think you’d actually enjoy my order:

Definitely your name-calling in public doesn’t paint you as a laughable hypocrite in the slightest. Not even a little. Don’t give at a second thought.

Odd that you bring country into it. I mean, in France you’re expected to give a full eye-contact friendly greeting to the checker and vice versa, and quick efficiency is practically anathema to the French.

It’s very good. Like a perfectly toasted and buttered piece of bread is very good. Just a little lacking by itself.

Any specific recommendations on high-end chocolate that’s worked well for this?

Definitely, definitely tell her how to live her life. Amazingly productive, and something you should totally do in public.

He made the good place. Loss end tied up.