Mortal Wombat


Yes! My wife and I have been laughing at that since we started dating. I remember hunting down the audio somewhere and loading it to her iPod as a birthday gift

You’re really a special kind of stupid, aren’t you?

Yes, of course. This dude adding a caveat to his statement is “feigning misplaced outrage”. How foolish of me.

The article misses the point of the story Needing was telling, but in what way was the first paragraph an inaccurate summary of what Neeson said?

Moggett nailed it, and expressed zero outrage, feigned or otherwise.

Im here from the future to say you have fantastic taste — that actor goes on from dirty cop in Damages to Gale Boetticher in Breaking Bad. Watching Damages 10 years after it aired, it took me a little while to place the actor.

The future was good to you. Olyphant + Goggins.

I feel like this article is missing something.

Rolling a 401(k) into an IRA can also cause unintended consequences for people over the IRA contribution limit who are doing a “backdoor Roth”.

That’s right, although I wouldn’t entirely call it bullcrap. ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act) confers certain rights to spouses in plans that are covered by ERISA (like 401k’s), due to past abuses by participants trying to cut their spouses out.

Hmm, looking at the list, I’m pretty sure an original NES and a stack of sports carts well exceeds the best sports console around.

I drove my car into a cop car, the other day.

So... there are only 8 sports titles on the Switch NES app, but this article can’t be bothered to actually list them, while dubbing the Switch the “weirdest, best little sports console in the world”? Fantastic.

This sounds so completely up its own ass that I could barely follow the recap (and I’m being generous to myself... so read that as “I read this whole thing but understood about 25% of it”.)

This should totally work. And seriously, the under-tipper’s responsibility only goes so far. If he hands off the money to someone with at least a minimal level of responsibility at the restaurant, I deem him karmically clean.

And sorry to pile on with the other hard truths, Sammy, but please bear in mind that the vast majority of us on the plane, or in the restaurant, or in the checkout line who do _not_ have screaming brats with us are, in fact, silently judging you, your misbehaving offspring and your parenting skills. Harshly.

Alpha Cenatauri was the best Civ game ever.

Fuck this. I explicitly told the catering company at my wedding reception (some 15 years ago) no tip jar, because my friends and I hate that shit, and 20-some% gratuity was being added to the price. They agreed.

Hold on hold on hold on — Bumblebee in the Bay films is _not_ a yellow Bug? That’s... just... wow.