Big Jay's Cars

As far as I’m concerned, they can suffer. I have twice try to rent a sports car from them (Corvette and Mustang) and both times when I arrived to pick up the car I reserved, they refused to give it to me because I was local and could not show a plane ticket. Stupid rule doesn’t make any sense, I paid for a reservation

No such thing. I know, I've tracked a ton of them.

Daddy don't want to get that COVID.

Remember kids, keep at least 6 car lengths between you and the next car and you'll help flatten the curve.

It snowed in Michigan the past two days. It has been below 30 degrees every night the past week. The is no planting or growing happening even if you could get seeds. These are a bunch of stupid selfish hicks that wanted an excuse to publically stand around with their guns in defiance to the government.

Ummm, it got a 43% audience score, you know, the score that really counts. Professional critics aren’t fans. The majority of real Star Wars fans hated the movie, and for good reason. It was a boring dumpster fire.


Here you go:

Jason, you are in the grey with Tesla. You have not been pulled out of the grey. While in the grey, no one will see your email.

Unfortunately no one will accept your challenge. The demand just isn't there. Comparing a 30 year old relic, which gives some a nostalgic throwback, of which there are very few left of, can’t be compared to production of a new vehicle requiring a dedicated platform to one vehicle in a niche market. Even the Mustang

Yeah, you are bitter.

I hear you... but Lucky Star? I’ve been working my hind off since I was 16. Nothing was handed to me, I came from a below-average, middle-class neighborhood. I was laid off 4 times and was behind on mortgage payments and had to file bankruptcy by my early twenties. I wanted to drive the kind of cars you are

Not with that attitude. I work hard, have no kids, and live in a relatively average neighborhood. Nothing was handed to me and I’m not “rich” by most “rich” people standards, but I’m on my third McLaren. I made sacifices, didn’t waste money in my 20's, and made getting mortgage free by my early 30's my first financial

Still plenty of $100k or less homes in great shape in Michigan. They are only around 1000sq ft, but in safe neighborhoods. 

Maserati doesn’t have the money right now to make a hypercar. I believe this is the Gran Turismo replacement we are going to see. 

I am seeing modern Alcantara holding up better than in the past. I have two vehicles with Alcantara steering wheels and interiors. The wheels are not looking bad so far, in fact they are easy to clean with the right stuff. I’m finding that the wear in the seats is actually better than leather. I think that if a modern

I buy cars as my midlife crisis purchases. I was given a very nice Yamaha motorcycle from my dad last year. I didn’t even ride it, sold the thing a month later for half what it was worth. People can’t hardly give away their motorcycles anymore, nobody wants them. Millennials never got the bike bug. Gen Z’s are going

Yes, we are known as Xennials.

There’s actually a term for us, if you were born between 78 - 84, you are considered a Xennial.

It was to deter the quick flippers. You could only buy the car at the end of the lease, but not during.