Big Jay's Cars

Oh man, almost identical to my 2017 I just sold. Can’t say I miss it though... Humble brag:

Elizabeth, I don’t know if someone else already mentioned this but your Fahrenheit conversions are wrong. Rising by 1.5 degrees Celsius is the same as rising by 2.7F not 34.7F with reference to zero being 32. The formula is (1.5°C × 9/5) = 2.7°F. You would not add the 32 in there. Google conversion assumes you want

I have to agree. I was not even looking at the car.


For the record, I’m not a billionaire or even a millionaire, and I’m buying my third MacLaren next week. I track my car’s regularly, and so do many of my “billionaire” friends. Much of what you wrote is just simply not true and is based on a stereotype that quite frankly doesn’t represent the majority of supercar

That’s the worst factory paint job I’ve ever seen.

This article went FULL RETARD when it started mentioning front wheel drive.

.... especially on a car that weighs 4200lbs.

The Demon only weighed 45 lb more! There's no good excuse why Ford would bother putting carbon fiber rims on a car that weighs this heavy.

Yeah, that car doesn't count. That's no different than a Hennessey or any other aftermarket add-on company.

I’d rather have the C8 all day long for a lot less. Real world Quarter mile times are almost the same as well.

It’s great that Ford brought back the GT500 with all this power, why the heck does it have to be 4200lbs?!?!?! That’s about as heavy as a Demon! Why bother offering carbon fiber wheels when the rest of the car is porky pig? Weighing almost the same, the Demon will take a dump on this car in the quarter mile, even in

“McLaren FEELS faster" should read "McLaren IS faster".

Finally, a nice price. Caymans have always been the better Porsche platform in my book.

2002 Z06 had 405 horsepower.

Safety for children in the backseat. If you can’t see your kids head sticking out the window, you could injure them with the auto up feature. If you heard them screaming while you are holding the button you would most certainly let go.

I don’t if it’s been said but the direct answer to your question of why they don’t do auto up to all the buttons is for child safety. If your kid has his head sticking out the window and you can’t see him in the backseat, Auto up could injure him. If you hear him screaming while you’re holding the button you will most

I don’t know, I think they were all flooded and claimed as a loss. The McLaren Houston website only shows 3 total 720S coupe and Spiders in stock now, and none of the colors match the ones in the pics. Half their listed 570S’s are also missing from the flood pic. I think they just dodged a depreciation bullet through

Better cancel my F8 coupe order, it’s already yesterday’s news even before it arrived!

Tesla’s lawyers must really hate them right now. The way Tesla markets its features is ridiculous. No other Auto manufacturer would ever imply something that would make them liable for a possible lawsuit the way Tesla does. And this is all straight from Elon, you can smell his arrogance in the wording of the autopilot