

So I just created a kinja account solely to comment on drag race reviews, so we shall see where this goes.

I loved this reveal as well, and it certainly does rebuke certain things about Abrams’ storytelling style (though I also like Abrams fine and, realtalk, this revelation would not have the same impact *without* Abrams style, even if it was clearly intended to set up more of a traditional revelation). But I have to step

Yes. That’s one of my big hopes for the next movie, that Rey will build a new Jedi order that doesn’t make the same stupid mistakes as the last one. Like maybe ripping tiny children away from their families and turning them into magic space monks with no bonds to other humans is a bad idea.

I also loved the jab at the Jedi Order of the prequels when Luke points out how they were over romanticized and more or less brought about the rise of Palpatine and the Empire through their own ineptitude.

AVC commenterati on Kinja has been the treat of my week.

‘Do we really think there hasn’t been a single off-script scene where Bran tells them, “Hey, uh, LF kinda started the war of the Five Kings by lying about this dagger, betrayed our father, and is essentially the reason our whole family is dead.” We hear crows when LF comes out of the crypts with Jon, when Arya enters

Twist: she is Littlefinger—having killed him and taken his face on her first night back in Winterfell, but she has to keep up the illusion so she’s actually following herself and tricking herself. Who will come out-deceive the other? Arya, or Arya?

Commenting and browsing is a laggy nightmare on mobile, let alone hoping to find a damn thing. This is 10x worse than anticipated as a primarily mobile user.

Merging my Disqus and Kinja accounts doesn’t work. Also, the site is ugly and soulless, like Gawker. I’m pretty sad about this whole thing. :(