if only I could just upgrade to 7
if only I could just upgrade to 7
typing this from my fancy wonnderful new SURFACE 3 PRO help windows 8 is TERRIBLE
*cinematic universe
reaching a point where I have the same level of patience for people that reject feathered dinosaurs as I do for flat-earthers, 9/11 truthers and creationists
I don't know anything about the show apart from HUNDREDS OF REFLEXIVE THINKPIECES every episode
thinkpiece time!
there's a great steelbox one I'm just going to track down, it's just heinous how they think that movie will sell now
ctrl+f "middling"
gonna be a while before I can paint it so here's the finished lines of the next page of my comic wow you lucky ducks
see also: big trouble in little goddamn china. fucking hell you have the greatest poster of all time (actually, TWO greatest posters of all time) and you're using PHOTOSHOP CONFLICTING LIGHT SOURCE NIGHTMARE
The Iron Giant aside, obviously.
it's a pretty low key page but I updated my stupid webcomic again yeaaaah
tumblr bingo: I just saw a single post containing 10 exclamation marks, 'friendly reminder', and 'so important'. what do I win
farty poo poo rooty too too
I saw it twice within 15 hours! (opening day and the morning after!)