Feeding you a big lunch!

Guy goes to private function, private function decides they don’t want him based on past behaviour, they revoke his right to attend.

In this day of blissful ignorance and age of apathy, it’s expected to either not give a fuck about what you don’t understand, or care but not understand as well. One may not understand the whole context behind the offending person’s actions, but it goes nowhere(or worse)if the person is vague on their stances too. The

Could you apply that to the social media links as well? The FB one is like a who’s who of wankers.

I think it’s this part that has me the most concerned:

I think the thing people aren’t taking into consideration here when it comes to asking “how could Anthem possibly turn around now?” is that there’s some genuinely very cool ideas in the game that are currently buried in a bunch of missteps.

Jason, I normally complain if you cancel a game with your mystic powers.

The worst thing about playing an MMORPG with your friends is that it sucks more when they leave you behind.

That’s how I handled playing Diablo 3 with my wife. When she was available I played the character I made with her. When she wasn’t, I played someone else. I don’t know why these friends didn’t do something like this.

Online have with randos are basically unplayable due to this. Because I'm an adult and don't have time to set up video game play dates with friends, I basically ignore anything that isn't single player, or couch coop. 

There’s a certain level of incompetence involved here where their systems were designed in such a way that the actual text name for someone’s account could be an issue. Most everyone uses some sort of hash or UID for storing this data and on the backend this is what would be used to identify a player and then their ID

you’d have a point there if it was a free-to-play MMO with some paid gambling system on the side aka loot boxes. But it’s actually a paid subscription game... one that actually requires you to pay up to 60 dollars upfront for the first month.
If I’m paying 60 plus 15 dollars a month then damn right I want the game to

Oh, honey. No. Sit down.

How DARE people have opinions on something they bought!

This is why we have so little in the way of originality anymore.

So you’re saying we found a way for Mexico to pay for the wall? Nice!

Stormfront is that way 👉

You came “here for a laugh”, and you clicked on this article, and then you made a comment to complain about a sarcastic remark someone made about said article??? I don’t even-I can’t... Like, you’re worried about him, but I can’t help but wonder about you. I mean, who does that?!?

Didn’t take long for the worst take to be written. Nicely done! 

fuck that. film the cops regardless.

Cuz he wanted a hotter wife! Serves him right! LOL. Sucks to be him, but she def got out of his league. THis quack is out of his damn mind. Here’s the rule. On average, a guy and a girl need to be within 1 point of hotness of each other to stay together. The only exceptions to this rule are if the guy has money, or