Yes, more useless plastic.
Yes, more useless plastic.
Fun Fact, in Norway we have a Blockbuster streaming service :P
Those lasers must have burned out your eyes if you think TLA is a mediocre game :P
Because you can’t be a real gamer if you are into emulation. This elite collector knows his stuff.
Oh wow, such elitism. How did collecting games get into this discussion? Emulation was the thing, not collecting plastic just waiting for bitrot.
Yeah, US police is like military forces of most normal countries. They kill more people than soldiers do.
Turn Teslas into Atari 2600s. What can possibly go wrong, teaming up with the Gaming Powerhouse Atari.
Look at all those dead eyes and stiff haircuts.
So from Lawful Evil to Chaotic Evil?
Thoughts and prayers, and more guns for mentally ill people! Things like this makes it easy to want to avoid America, more lethal than the middle east :/
You must be one of these American idiots I’ve read about. As a streamer with a knife and sword collection I imagine you doing naked kung fu like a 80s Steven Segal movie.
Not really. The part of your brain that handles consequenses is not fully developed in a 16yr old. They’re children and should be treated as such. Kind of amazed that the US send kids to jail instead on working on their rehabilitation. Now she will just end up as a damaged human being, as the US prison system is…
Really? Lenient for a 16yr old? Her life is over, two lives lost over a PS4. The US Justice system is a joke.