
@Kymeira: I agree. Idk how this is all of a sudden appropriate for the 15+ rating?

@Hedious: Yes the "follow" missions were a PITA.

@Hedious: Nope. I thought it was almost as good as GTA. Almost.

@WrenixPhight: And the process for getting Blizz to remove it is kind of painful. If you don't have the original game keys from the physical box, then they can't remove it for you. Well there might be another step, but I had my game keys :)

@Placentasaurus: It's not. It's a Core Hound. It's a little puppy made of molten lava that will bite your face off. My gnome warlock has already had a run in with one. Beware.

It would be more impressive f she didn't just buy cheap games & get the easy achievements. Just look at her gamer tag.

@Xunan: Yeah it's OK when it's just your own life that's being affected, but she has a daughter & a husband.

@Dehnus: People have no imagination (e.g. You). It's the story that's epic.

Sry double post. Posting from iphone.

Nice work. I saw someone mention the word "kitbash". Is that the term for this type of art?

@Ozzieball: "I'm not sure what you want from Rebellion. To back down and sanitize their game? To just be quiet about it? To call out Mr. Atkinson personally? I'm not sure any of those things would be helpful."

@Scynix: See normally I'd be all "Bow chicka bow wow!", but we haven't seen Tali's face ever! Just based on the way her feet are shaped I'd have to pass.

@Jack Phrahzt: There is only one problem with that. The majortiy of people that I know want to sit & "veg" to games when they get home. Not play something that is constantly wracking your brain.

@Nethlem: How about we just stop releasing games in Germany & Australia? That'll teach em!

@ShXIII: Have you used it recently? In game? It's been fixed. It works as intended now. They just need to add more games to the GFWL roster imo.