
no, she need to remove her pony tail as well, otherwise it would be too obvious…

you like Chris Tucker? ok then you just have terrible taste, good luck with that…

if you want to put word in his mouth and then badmouth him for that then i don't really know how that helps your cause…

you used a dictionary? that implies that you love patriarchal categorization of language and colonization…

and how does that answer the question that the Malfunctioning Eddie asked? or are you actually claiming to have never said or done something in hindsight was not proper?

and where did i miss appropriate him?

"The fact that I believe it to be true." you just said that. Try thinking before you type something…

"The fact that I believe it to be true" was a reasoning you gave for when i asked you where Gary said he had more right to an opinion then anyone else. So yes, you like Tom Cruise base opinions on assumptions and have that in common.

"The fact that I believe it to be true." sounds like you and tom have a bunch in common…

yes assumption is the best way to prove you are right…

"I will say that when Ender's Game came out I was invited to see it and I said I wouldn't feel comfortable paying money for it when the creator is such a terrible person, so if you want to call that a boycott, fine." so do you watch the simpsons, Tom cruise/John Trovolta films, because if you do that would make you a

("The world is changing, but we can't expect all the people to change at the same rate. " I'm not entirely sure why not.) because forcing people to have any set of beliefs is wrong.

your point?

"Our celebrity worshipping culture has them believing that they actually have more "right" to an opinion than anyone else" what makes you say that?

read 1984 and you will understand the allusion

or you could just watch "Heavy Metal" that is where everything cool from the Fifth Element was stolen from…

"I'm enjoying the implication that Gary Oldman literally cannot fathom any type of humor that isn't based on vicious racial slurs and stereotypes." that's not what he said…

so not having left wing views automatically makes someone a troll?