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    I felt bad about hurting your feelings.

    "Maybe if I roll with the punches I won't appear to be upset!" - you

    The only issue I have is fitting all 12 inches of my dick in your mothers cunt.

    "Hurrr I'm not mad, I'm totally amused by this hurrrr." *wipes away a tear*- you

    Dedicated* you fucking retard.

    You fucking race traitor.

    2 months later and I still think that you're a cunt.

    That's funny, because aren't all blacks felons?

    I hope you get gangraped by a bunch of black gang members.

    My piss tastes like apple juice. When I find out where you live, you'll get to find out what it tastes like first hand.

    I'm going to rip your throat out and shit in the hole.

    Having never owned a slave in my life I can safely say that no, I have never benefited from 400 years of slavery. Bringing up the slavery argument is like an SJW's Godwins Law. Eat shit and die.

    You're a moron and the world would be a better place if you died in your sleep tomorrow morning.

    Shut up you stupid cunt. Go suck the barrel end of a shotgun.

    I'd like to prove you wrong by stomping a mudhole in your face you scrawny faggot.

    And I think that you're a rude cunt! ^_^

    And I'd say that you're a cunt who has the reading comprehension skills and the thought process of a 10 year old.