
HA! It's freaking AWESOME that the transit authority's name is SORTA.

Oh, burn. He'll never do that again.

It's a Scandinavian person with wheels, then.

You're dead on. Problem for me was, I didn't want a rebadged foreign car...I wanted to see the rebirth of a storied American muscle car.

I half-expected it to be constructed of chicken wire and crate aluminum.


It's been my experience that Dysons suck.

Then you've downloaded a third-party content app, because Google has never paid licensing fees for the AIF format.

Oh I love it.

Every format but Apple's house formats.

Brush your hair and shave, hippie!

Yeah...I'm gonna sound like a jerk here, but someone has to say it...

EXCELLENT comment.

I also like the idiotic assumption that the maybe 1 cubic foot sized electromagnetic field generated by any portable device is going to somehow interfere with the plane's operation.

Good call.

You're mixing things up.

If that's the worst of your experiences driving pre-production test cars, I would say you got it really easy.

Problem is, most people make these mistakes in formal communications, too.

Maybe they thought it was a dressing for kosher sausages?

This isn't new. This is so not new, that's the headline is woeful and cringe inducing.