
Who the fuck knows, some fucking fuckhead fucker. Fuck 'em and the horse they rode in on.

Who would I report a comment to if I wanted to, you fucking fucker? Fuck fuck fuck? What fucking comment, you asshole fucker?

P.S. My (I thought) girl's name is Sheila, if you happen to come across her please give her my regards but not necessarily as you're coming. Across her I mean of course. No wait . . .

Whoa, don't ever apologize, you dick, even if you think you seem like an asshole. We all have our job to do. Press on with no regrets.

OK, cool. We may have gotten off on the wrong foot here. I've not been on this site before, forgive me if I said your avatar says you're a catfucker, I really don't see it that way. Wait, yes I do. I have a cat too but she's a virgin, honest. Consider that I'm a little drunk and my favorite girl friend doesn't answer

I don't have satisfy myself as you must but I do wish mine was that long. Please explain why I would have to, or want to, justify any actions of mine to you. Why would I give a frog's fat ass what you understand, which is evidently limited? It is my humble opinion that you change your handle to "Open Brain Surgery By

I don't know what "Twin Peaks" is even but I know what "fuck" means. Can I say jack off here too?

Fuckin' A

Whoa Man, you can say fuck, fucker and shit here? I'm in, man. No fuckin' shit, fucker. Fuck those fucking fuckers.