Bigfoot Kix

If you have followed almost anything Yahoo has ever tried to do (IM, chat rooms, games, mail), this would not surprise you.

I’ve been ashamed of my profuse sweating my entire life and have tried to hide (poorly) my sweat. This article has given me so much hope in life. Knowing I’m not alone in above average sweating is huge.

Gotta wear a black shirt if you sweat that much. Then you can be as slick as an orca and no one knows (until a player pats you on the back and a fine mist sprays the audience).

Coaches should be stored in clear, glass tubes filled with mysterious light blue liquid. They should be completely nude except for a breathing mask for breathing and a voice amplifier for shouting. The coach tube tanks could be wheeled around by teens, tots, toddlers, and other child-like creatures belonging to team