
The Rust trial was the new Don’t Worry Darling. This is the new Rust trial.

 She should’ve just apologized and paid half of what she’s paying her lawyers to the dancers.

And they say liberals are snowflakes. JFC.

I would say though that the dynamic generated quest concept itself if kind of the problem though.

By very definition.... it’s filler that’s trying to claim it isn’t and generally is only just above a fetch quest. And specifically it’s filler that make it clear it’s trying to extend playtime by producing the idea of

“Given how fast AI is advancing” feels like a bit of a difficult thing for me though; are there a lot of businesses trying to push it more and more as projects they began 2-3 years ago are coming to fruition before a ship could even be turned? Perhaps.

But as an actual tech I feel it’s kinda.... plateauing? Even as

All these articles about AI failing at X feel like people complaining that the 300 baud modem is too slow, or that the Model T sucks because you have to hand-crank it first.

It doesn’t matter what industry you are talking about. Money corrupts everything. No one knew you could make money on Twitch originally so it was filled with people having fun and sharing interests in their spare time. Then people started making money and it will always go down hill from there.

The problem with all these AI-focused ‘demos’ is that they’re still wildly behind the curve of what it takes to even come close to replicating human effort. They’re like the childish (but brilliant in its deliberate simplicity, so don’t misunderstand me) Up-Goer V poster from XKCD. These AI systems lack the necessary

Over the years, Siri has gotten much better at recognizing what I’m asking for and responding accordingly.

Those who sit on the fence merely get impaled.

I was expecting that she was hit with a stack of 500 sheets of printer paper.

I’m aware of both uses of the word, but seeing Johnny Depp in the headline, it could have gone either way.

Really! I was expecting something else.

Demme didn’t intervene on Glaudini’s behalf

clearly we need to get them on the same movie, with both of them being told they are the lead.

Christian Bale still wins. 39 f-bombs and someone made his tirade into a dance remix.

the theater’s manager confirmed that there would be an ongoing investigation into the incident.

The “boop/beep” thing was a direct insult to Pedro Pascal, after he put pronouns in his bio as a show of support for his trans sister. Publicly attacking the star of the hugely successful show you somehow landed a part on is exactly the kind of stupid-as-shit career move that leads directly to working for Ben Shapiro.

Say what you will about Hitler, but he did kill Hitler.