
Thanks for getting my point. It seems a bunch of people do, but I suspect they're clicking over from other kinja blogs. After all, who can resist a "look at these dicks!" story?

Be honest, if there were a long collection of naked Disney princesses on the main Gawker site (complete with critique of their body shapes, types, boob size and vagina-attractiveness), are you telling me you wouldn't be offended?

We then passed those specifications on to Gawker Media staff illustrator Tara Jacoby

I don't really care about it being unfair to men. Actually, I don't really care at all. I'm just saying that if women are going to stoop to our level of sexism, then men have no incentive to change their behavior. So bash us for sexism or join us in it, but doing both just works against yourself.


Thanks Tracie, I'm really looking forward to seeing that later today!

So, this all part of the process of "leveling the playing field"? The strategy now is to "get even" instead of discouraging the objectification of women? Okay.

When will you be posting the illustrations of what Disney princess pussies look like?

Of course, he was far too kind and selfless to even consider the notion of a character being made in his honor. That's why people want it to happen.

God forbid people encourage young girls to pursue math, science, or other academic pursuits instead of trying to emulate a talentless, materialistic fame-monger. Because, like, the car you drive, and how much you spend on your clothes, and having lots of followers and stuff, is like, really really important.

That's super neat. I have exceptional color differentiation, but am really intrigued to try out their NRG lenses.

coiled cable? I… I never knew! I would kill for that. I love my M50s, but the cord is so long and unwieldily, it's a chore to manage. Plus the sweaty ear syndrome, as mentioned by twotwawki.

coiled cable? I… I never knew! I would kill for that. I love my M50s, but the cord is so long and unwieldily, it's a

Sorry, Andy won that one.

I can make things up after arbitrarily thinking about it for three minutes, and they work because I am really really smart! In fact, my idea was so smart, Porsche actually does it, as pointed out in the other responses to my comment.

Stop tricking me into playing the lottery, dammit!

Yeah, I get that - and happily pitch into the office pool on big jackpots as to participate in the group fantasy that we are all gonna quit our jobs - but for the fantasy to be effective, you have to hope/believe on some level that maybe, just maybe, it'll be you this time...

May I suggest this? Added bonus, allows one to pretend they are living a lifestyle of the rich and famous.

+1 for the pic in #8. When nobody else is there for you, pizza always is.

that's crazy. I (rather unsuccessfully) try to dissuade people from playing the lotto by reminding them whatever their "magic set" of numbers consist of, the set 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 have exactly the same chances of winning, and of course that will never happen, right? why waste your money? well damn, close enough. maybe

I struggle to do regular push ups on a solid, flat surface while stationary. These guys are ripping out inverted push ups on top of liquid while being dragged by their feet at 30 mph.