
To all the haters, didn't we just have this debate?

I think many people who share devices don't want other users of the same device knowing what they've looked at. Amazon specifically - I can' shop even in Incognito mode without items I've searched for popping up in browser ads for days. Suddenly I have to explain to my wife why I'm shopping for herpes medicine!

I saw a TED talk that suggested *most* people have always been tying their shoes "wrong." When it went on to demonstrate the correct way, it only confirmed that I've been doing it right all along. I'm not all that bright, and have a hard time believing that most people actually suck at tying shoes. But, then again,

Well at least corporations don't get to decide what are or are not basic human rights, especially when such rights affect their profitability, right? Wait a minute, oh shit!

Well, what you're talking about is product placement - the suggestion that our favorite characters consume a specific product, and we therefore subliminally or intentionally desire that same product. That's a thing, and I believe it works.

Yeah, I used to think an egg was an egg was an egg. I was cooking at a friend's house one day, and they had Pete & Gerry's eggs. I had to ask for a hammer to crack them. They were a rich, almost orangey yolk, and the most delicious egg I ever ate. I read the packaging to learn they import their special hens from

high prevalence of US TV/Movies in the UK where eggs are always in the fridge.

It agree it is very expensive. I ended up sacrificing a lot of personal luxuries in order to afford it. I don't suggest that this is the bar everyone should reach for their pet, because that's not the economy we live in. I choose to do it out of personal circumstance. I used to feed my dog what I thought was good

Congratulations on your 5-star rating from - that's a great endorsement. That said, I would still refrain from eating pet food of any quality, since it is nutritionally balanced for pets, not humans. Specifically, I would be concerned about the amount of phosphorous.

I never thought I could support someone who sees value in Perot or Huckabee, but I have pondered this exact same kind of rule in salaries, and am ALL FOR IT. Not the 10 to 1 ratio per se, because there are many leaders worth more than 10 of their lowest level subordinates; but a something like a 50 to 1 ratio can

Thank you for this! There is finally an easy way to describe Donald Trump's hairstyle.