
I feel like the big boys don’t get enough credit for the product the make. Light beers are hard to make. Consistent flavor and keeping the product sanitary during brewing is super super hard especially on the scale the big boys do it. I think if a lot of these micro brews went to make your average bud light they would

Their window blinds, the ones of the track. Insane.

I like to take in a city as a whole as much as I can. Try the transit the food get to know the people. I like photography and video. I think what sets me off a lot is that Im from the West coast. To me the east coast is a whole different country. We use the same money but all similarities stop there. It’s seriously

Nice username. Well played.

Help me understand why I should go there? I’m not saying this in a troll fashion but out of genuine curiosity? I’ve only ever seen it in the movies and TV so my entire view is predicated upon that and also what I have heard of from friends.

NY is one city I have never had any desire to go see. From the outside is seems very over rated, expensive and stressful.

I always felt like the fact you had to build out armor and weapons made this game over complicated. I just wanted to get in and enjoy the strategy which I think is way better than overwatch. Sad, this game had so much potential.

Your comments make me sick to my stomach....because they are entirely too accurate.

I had a family member fall for a scam. The scam was a cheap laptop was on sale, but the seller requested they be paid with amzn gift cards. Since it was paid outside the a-z guarantee amzn told them to go pound sand. Now I kinda get that, but at the same time amzn is the shitty one here for exposing said family

This guy gets it. Lower corporate tax rates by allowing them to further lower their tax liability by fully funding their employee health care cost at a rate of $1.25 for each $1 spent on the employee. Want to pay less in taxes XYZ corp. invest in employee healthcare.

This all seems like pissing in the wind.

There is no incentive to fix it. Why kill your golden goose and just keep building it forever. Works for wars, works for government IT.

Close, you gotta add more GREATS, BEST EVER, HORRIBLE and CROOKED HILLARY. Nice job on that, I tip my pilots hat to you.

Or lowering ticket prices further, only adding to the pay for everything model they use now. The net result is awful for everyone.

Not true. I undergo fbi background every 2 years

Right, all it takes is for a terrorist to capture ones family, threaten beheading them unless you put this package on the plane. I would wager most people would comply.

Nope! I can freely go where ever I want at the airport. On occasion there is a TSA pat down but almost never. It would be so easy for me, somebody who has limitless access to the plane to do anything I wanted. Security is an absolute joke.

Cargo planes have halon systems with 2 suppression modes. First a quick large douse of halon then long trickle from a larger halon bottle that goes for about and hour. But don’t count on it putting out a lithium fire as lithium produces it’s own o2

Nope not true. Cargo is pressurized with same system as you. They’re not mutually exclusive. Bonus fun, lithium fires produce their own oxygen, can’t be put out. This is so unsafe.

the legal limit of .08%