
But you don’t, and by you I mean the public at large. “you” have always voted with your wallet and thus you get the industry you voted for. If more people fly Virgin America then the world will go that way, but as long as you have airlines like spirit fucking up the competition with shit service it’s going to get

Lol. Interest. That’s a funny outdated concept. Have you seen savings account interest rates? They’re horrible.

I have to agree with you here. I just don’t think planes are the target any longer. I think they are just biding their time waiting for another even larger target.

I would cut that thing out entirely and do a fresh repair. It would be faster than sanding it and give you a much more even finish.

Yeah, if it works anywhere near as well as mobile me it will be a dream!

I think there are support groups for people like you. I thought I was bad with my dad who types with the hunt & peck method.

Bravo on the gif. You win the Interwebs today.

I think you win the reply to oldest comment of the day award. Now that’s how you Internet.

Thats too bad. I really wish they would fix the scrolling issue. It makes excel unusable for me. I don't really care for mac numbers, but it's what I have to use.

But does excel work at all? Current version cannot scroll without a super computer. It's awful.

Came here for this.

A word of caution to a new home buyer. Be very careful when purchasing a new home. Let me try to explain why this may be a very bad decision for you.

That's so true and that's why unless you make big google bucks you are destined to rent forever. You are trading lifestyle for the wealth building that home ownership brings you. For some people that's exactly what they want and awesome. I grew up in and love the bay area, but yeah, NEVER gonna move back there

It totally depends on your area. If you are in a major city where apartment/condo living is normal then yes, it's not a bad idea in general. If you live in the suburbs then stay away from condos. They're generally not large enough for a family to live in, cost nearly as much as a larger town home (with garage) or

I have to agree with you. A good buyers agent is hard to find and seldom worth what they charge these days. The Internet does so much of their work it's pathetic. My buyers aged was awful and just put us on an email list that sent the daily listings, oh wow like I could not have done that myself. In fact the house

It does not seem to be covered in detail here but can anyone tell me what the multi player is like? Can it be played on the same console, or do you need two consoles to do multi player? I really hope it's single console.

Agreed. Still I can dream right?

^ This a thousand times. I find the web browsers on tablets not to be up to the task of their desktop counterparts. Gizmodo is a perfect example, the website performs awfully on my iPad 3 and nexus 7 (2013)

I am really displeased with the direction apple is taking OSX. I really don't like the way 10.10 looks. It's maybe you get used to it, but 10.9 is as flat as I want to go. The new iTunes is just ugly. I do like that the iTunes store actually works as fast as the internet does, but that's the only good thing I have