
Not bad. But $33K buys a pretty nice used purpose-built RV with a shower.

What Block wrote is a solid analysis of the Tesla situation. What he did was to make a bet based on that. And when it didn’t pay off he explained why. And shorting is a short-term exercise. Anyone buy-and-holding should consider his statements.

He was right to think that Tesla is overvalued. He was wrong to think that it mattered.

1st: Was he wrong though? Just because it hasn’t tanked yet doesn’t mean Tesla’s stock price isn’t insane. Maybe Tesla is worth more than all the other major automakers combined, but that seems like a stretch. The only way I can get there is if the entire world converts to EVs and none of the other automakers respond.

So sad that of all the pics on this page ISIS provides the correct example of trigger discipline.

In order for it to be Murica, it would have to be an F-150, a fat white dude with oakleys+hat+tanktop+farmer tan combo, and the donuts would be in a Dollar General strip mall hellscape parking lot.

Safety off and finger on the trigger too, hopefully nothing in the chamber but this person is still a massive dipshit both for safety reasons and because I’m pretty sure there’s no legal way to own that gun in California.

Not just any CTS, but a CTS-V!

The EV problem was brilliantly demonstrated recently in Car & Driver’s “EV 1000" where they had 11 EV’s face off for a trip through the American Midwest.

I’m constantly shocked by the way people talk about their opposition groups now. Why don’t we just throw them all in a meat grinder? It’s just the only solution for these murderers.

1st and 5th seem related to me.

The reptile scales were supposed to be saved for a Raptor edition obviously.

Also hard to take the author seriously with misleading statements like this:

How can you say that? After the improvements to the Jane Byrne Interchange it only takes 20 minutes to drive the mile and a half from Ohio to Congress instead of 22 minutes! And that project should finish only 5 or 7 years late and a few gazillion dollars over budget.

VW doesn’t have the cash for a separate Chinese arm right now. They are still paying a fine for something that hurt literally nobody. How are those Takata airbags and GM ignition fire fines coming along?

Couldn’t Tesla have bought up one of the many European car factories that closed recently? For example, the old Ford factory in Genk, Belgium.

EVs are actually much cheaper to *build* than ICE cars. They are currently more expensive because batteries and R&D push the price up.

Big V8 pickups are not going away anytime soon in the US. There will be a civil war before that happens.

Wait, it wasn’t Rich Real Estate?