
We may have the raw materials, but i can almost guarantee we will not be able to mine or refine it due to environmental concerns.

Cheap money leads investors to make bad decisions resulting in bubbles when the business plans (or lack thereof) come to fruition.

Thats a local option. And net metering doesnt address the gap between consumption and creation at any point in time. It addresses your energy bill.

You do realize California is going through rolling blackouts due to their reliance on renewables right? And the Germans have the highest CO2 per capita due to their reliance on renewables? They do not have energy on demand like Ive said, they have to pay people to take the energy during day when theres low demand and

All this talk about mass adoption of EVs and no talk about the electrical infrastructure. Want to charge that EV at night after you get home? Solar wont work then, wind is hit or miss. Better start burning fossil fuels to make those electrons, because Nuclear is such a dirty word, to keep the prices low to charge.

Clean hand review? Doesnt exist anymore. Even “peer” reviewed by everybody at this organization and this partisan BS would still get through. They all live in the same bubble. 

Hate to burst your bubble, but Bosch made the engine cals for them. Boycott any cars with Bosch tech in them while you are at it. Also, boycott any that shift to higher/highest gears at 55 mph and 70 mph due to emissions and fuel economy testing.

Yup. Low/zero percent interest rates have propped up numerous companies that would not still be in existence based on business plan and merit alone. 

If we continue down this trade war road with China we will really find out how expensive these batteries are for the electric cars, crippling that industry. Hopefully, graphene batteries will come from that hardship, but im not hopeful. 

Whats the aftermarket of the new Bronco looking like? Think that could be the make or break for converting Jeep people. 

Looks like Ford does a better job of revamping the Land Rover Defender than Land Rover.

Last I heard FCA was making atleast 13K on every GC. I would imagine its still that profitable since they haven’t spent any money on it besides some minor exterior and exterior changes.

I think the main question would be at what point do they think they can run the plant? 50 new cases per day? 10? At that rate may as well just keep them shut down. And dont tell me until a vaccine gets on the market. The flu has a vaccine and 60K Americans die from that every year (its actually more deadly for some

But few even know it happened, thats my point. 

Sure they will. Again, short memories. SARS-1 was a flash in the pan virus. Came and went, never to be heard from again. This could also be the same way, and some scientists are contending it is. Studies out of Israel point to that as does the fact that vaccine development is being slowed due to the lack of new cases

Yea, the normal is what the market will dictate. I remember when a certain burrito chain had a few cases of e coli (55 or so), didnt take too long for the company and the stock to recover, or a certain over the counter drug which was laced with poison which killed some folks. Moral of the story, people have very short

Yea, its being seen as selfish to want to live life, albeit with restrictions from now on im sure (even though SARS-1 just fizzled out after one season). Life includes risk. Now that we know the actual risks, how its spread, whos most at risk, etc. these lockdown policies are not effective, and more than likely,

Only difference is, profits depend on opening plants, so everybody will get on board sooner than later. Autonomous autos are a black hole of debt to develop, etc. which is the tough part to get everyone on board. 

Thats why I stared buying gold and gold miner stocks months ago. Haha. Increase debt and reduce GDP, what could go wrong!