
Somehow you typed “comments from people who are right and speak the truth” and it came out as “trolls.” You might need a new keyboard

And just like Tits McGee, this dumb fuck is on vacation.

Use Promo Code “WEAREFUCKED”

“Holy hell, this bastard’s a Nazi sympathizer / racist / anti-Semitic / terrorist / redneck!”

My daily fantasy consists of both of these companies going away.

She only made those differences after plotting and succeeding to kill her husband.

“Boy I tell ya’, just look at this contract! Now that’s what I call a true game changer. With all its terrific terms and great compensation. You know I was watching this contract being prepared earlier and I gotta tell ya...”

So, whose… um… “vocal stylings” were those? And why is that acceptable public behavior? Talk about low standards… really, that doesn’t even qualify as an amateur effort. Whatever happened to talent? Has Yeesus lowered the bar that far?

punting—the most cowardly, spineless, and responsibility-evading decision routinely made in American sports”

Did ... did you read the article? Be honest.

It’s totally okay to cheat as long as there are other variables at play.
“You stole money from the bank!”
“Yeah, but you didn’t buy when you were on Park Place so is it really my fault that you lost?”

Yea I found that last part odd to add in or say. Its more freaky stuff to ask as opposed to rapist. I can see someone being against those things but its quite prudish to think those things are weird/stuff sexual deviants would do. Not saying he didnt do it at all, but if wanting someone to masturbate in front of you

That’s me every year when I first show my wife and friends my fantasy football team name


Adding an Aeris lives “route” (or storyline) - 32.6 percent

It’s not a “supposed” rule. It is a rule just a dumb one

“Had a worse regular season record and lost to in the playoffs” is a curious definition of better than.

Or said differently, the NBA owners reap the benefit of an increase in their total return of their franchise values while they plead to the public (and players) with salary economics based on the accrual accounting yearly revenues.

Turk Wendell

My wife is Jeremy Hermida’s barber.