
Re trash can in car: see 2016 Honda Odyssey. Back of center console has a pop out that is the frame for a trash can, just add a leftover plastic bag from the grocery store and boom, garbage bag. I didn’t swing for it, but the Elite trim also has a built in vacuum.

Sounds like there was no time for lube before this guy got bent over.

Yeah becuase we need more cut off hoodies

Haven’t seen a push off that bad since MJ v Russel.

If I though my boss would give me grief over cartoon poop I probably wouldn’t surf the internet at work.

The Malibu one, where they remove the decals, is even better. One guy literally says regarding the estimated price: “$50-60K.” Shut....up.

I regularly use the watch to jog or track my movement without my iphone. Sure you won’t have GPS tracking, but you can without a doubt track calories, distance, time etc. without the phone. You can send a playlist of music from the phone to the watch to listen to music as well, without the phone.

Damn I miss MyZ. Don’t have kids.

This is literally me. Game of thrones, some xbox, maybe a little porn. Ain’t happening with 3 kids under the age of 7 anytime before 11pm.