
Check out the screen cap of the frozen yogurt. The two representing Tahani and Real Eleanor are labeled Yoghurt but Fake Eleanor's is just Yogurt. I think that makes the show's intentions pretty clear.

I really don't think I could fully repeat what happened any given episode of this show. I got some broad strokes about whats happened this season but that's about it. I'm gonna keep watching it though.

I thought we already knew Skye was the spy. Didn't a Sixer recognize her in the first or second episode?

I agree with the people saying this episode was better than tonight's Community. I also disagree with your assessment of Chris. I think he is fraying around the edges slowly as he moves towards something big. After that brush with mortality at the end of last season he hasn't seemed as put together as he used to. His

I didn't think it was a bad episode, however I think it was my least favorite this season. I am not quite sure why this one didn't tickle my fancy but it left me just shrugging and surprised that was it. Only the real test results really made me laugh.

This show is goofy and glorious. It's never going to shock you like the traditionally well regarded shows will, but I still enjoy every hour of it. Not every show has to be The Wire.

I feel like ladling some real emotions onto Tig beyond him just being a psychopath is to just make us feel bad when they kill him this season.