I have, actually - it’s pretty good! Perhaps my wording was too strong, but my basic point is that if you’re alright spending $250 on a shot, the $50 tip shouldn’t be where your “frugality” kicks in.
I have, actually - it’s pretty good! Perhaps my wording was too strong, but my basic point is that if you’re alright spending $250 on a shot, the $50 tip shouldn’t be where your “frugality” kicks in.
Often with very rare whiskies (scotch, bourbon, or otherwise) you’re not going to be able to just go to a store and purchase it. Stores often have lotteries for customers just to get a *chance* to purchase a rare whskey at retail price— that is, assuming the store isn’t just hoarding its bottles for its best customers…
Why the DNC expects rural white voters to come around to their centrist mentality is beyond me. Those voters are gone. Disappeared for a generation to come.
Kamala Harris failed because her campaign was weak. She wanted to run as a “moderate centrist” in a field where there was already Joe Biden, and moderate centrists aren’t going to vote for a black woman when there’s already a white dude.
Dad was big mad.
SMH - if I’m forced to vote for this man.
Why are you still watching Morning Joe? How can you understand them with Biden’s dick in their mouths?
By jiminy, this is pure poppycock and balderdash!
The best part about that comment is that the dude is an incel himself. Aside from trolling the Root to tell black people that they’re the real racists, his next favorite thing is to troll Kotaku about how women Twitch streamers are just teasing men for $ because they show cleavage. And of course his 3rd favorite thing…
You can visit whoever the heck you want as long as you don’t shout at me about it.
I’m not excited by Booker, I realize, because he’s too nice. He’s all rainbows and unity coalitions. To be honest, after the damage done to this country during this term, I don’t want consensus. I want a radical, fire-breathing candidate who will burn all these anti-immigrant, anti-intellectual, evangelical-Christian-…
I’d be happiest with Warren/Booker, with Harris as Sec of State and Castro still in HUD. I don’t trust Sanders, Klobuchar seems only interested in being mealy-mouthed, and Buttegieg and Biden seem most comfortable with the status quo that isn’t working for anyone. Yang and Gabbard should be out of the main race along…
Yeah I get that, same with insurance for Connecticut. But the financial reliance on big money is a huge part of the problem
Funny thing is that in the Marquette Poll for Wisconsin, yesterday, in a change from what we’ve seen, he was the only candidate to beat Trump in that important state. Might be an outlier, but I could definitely see him eventually catching fire if the other’s tear themselves apart or can’t break their deadlock.
It was Biden’s help that scored Obama a record popular vote in 2008? Really. That’s how we’re retconning history? By attributing Obama’s win to FUCKING BIDEN?
I’ve been thinking for a minute now that Booker is a worthy candidate, but he hasn’t been able to get people inspired. I didn’t watch the debate, so I’m grateful for the clip. If he can get people excited about his candidacy, I think he could have a good shot. I’m rooting for him, tbh.
My only true beef with him is his Big Pharma connections. Otherwise while I’m more partial to Bernie/Warren, he’s by far my favorite moderate.
That face when you mistake tolerance for genuine affinity.
*watches Biden start to excuse his bigoted past actions*hits start button on timer*
The culture of police corruption is multi-generational and based on violence both outward and inward. Police corruption depends, just like in organized crime, that all of the cops are complicit in that corruption. The most famous example of criminal cops punishing those within their ranks for calling out corruption is…