“I hate fun and creativity”
“I hate fun and creativity”
yeah, why is there a question about a japanese board game, it’s not like the game is set in japan
screw all you guys, im playing persona 5 on vita ;D
“oh man, mods are so cool, they let me import assets other people made”
love you baby
congratulations. you discovered mods.
why the hell did they stop in the first place
except they weren’t selling it
thank you for being the only person on this site who can take a joke
Except it was literally an entire fabrication made by 4chan.
in what dimension do you live in that “No I did not take time off from work because of stress, i’m a dedicated worker” is a crack on mental health?
My theory is this opposite, Kamiya is almost infamous for his preference of framerate over detail. My thoughts are that MS are the ones to blame, they likely pushed for 4 player co-op, which i doubt was planned from the start, and trying to add more and more to it while kamiya desperately pleaded with them that the…