
I guess it’s a mindset thing...for me the stress of waiting isn’t worth it to save $20...and on long haul flights, I’ve found that the further out the better...I just booked a 14 hour business class flight for $3000 a year out...a month before, I guarantee that same seat will be $6000-$8000.

Bottom line: don’t assume. It only takes a few minutes extra to prepare both a Married Filing Jointly return and a Married Filing Separately return. The only way to be certain which choice is best for you is to do the math.

Said it elsewhere and I’ll say it here: if the DH must be everywhere, let it not be the lock-your-lineup style DH currently offered.

Strangely, my wife hates sorting and doing laundry as well, but will happily fold. This arrangement works out great because without her I will gladly fish clean underwear out of a pile in the dryer all week.

You wanna talk about HGTV magic? See what Chip and Joanna Gaines do on Fixer Upper. I know it’s not the same premise as HH, but you get to see house hungtin and a final product (which we all know isn’t always guaranteed on HH). And Chip and Jo and there kids are cute (almost too cute).

That’s the joke going around various places on the Internet: people singing Lionel Richie’s ‘Hello’, sans blind girl.

Luckily for everyone else in the world, people who take their hobbies too seriously have no power to prevent the rest of us from trying things out. People that consider themselves gatekeepers are almost always ass hats. It’s true for Brian Mccan, and if this article is any indication, it’s true for this guy.

But what does he think of the 26.2 sticker on the back of my Subaru Outback?

Hear, hear.

It’s different consistancy, too. It’s not pee. Or, if it is, it’s pee with other stuff in it. And it is more viscous so the “more water” hypothesis doesn’t, ah, hold water.

HOLY NSFW, Batman!

It is an option, but it’s very unusual for it to be beneficial. You almost always pay more tax than married filing jointly.

I have been married forever but I was also a bridge-burner.

Hello fellow bridge-burner! I have never understood people who want to be friends with exes.

Agreed. I live in Chicago, and I would definitely not consider someone making over $112k/year rich due to the cost of living.

I actually like it. It's cleaner and I can find everything with minimal effort. There's still a lot going on, but it's an improvement all around.

Got married less than a month ago myself.

I like it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My son is turning one this month and we've been saving since we knew he was on the way. Some of it we put into a 529 plan - and we made sure to give the UGift number to all of the relatives - and some is kept in a savings account. We're saving a few hundred a month, it seems to us that we should teach him the value of