
I like it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My son is turning one this month and we've been saving since we knew he was on the way. Some of it we put into a 529 plan - and we made sure to give the UGift number to all of the relatives - and some is kept in a savings account. We're saving a few hundred a month, it seems to us that we should teach him the value of

The idea that evolution and the big bang theory are sacrilegious and absolutely could not possibly be true and God doesn't want science in schools is more pervasive among certain protestant denominations than among Catholics. Especially the protestant churches most prevalent in the southern and rural parts of the

June babies all day.

Summer birthday is ideal. I'm a June birthday, which is nestled exactly half of the year after Christmas. Prime present giving, I can cover all the gifts I want throughout the year. Being young sucks when it comes to getting your license, but for certain sports it's an advantage. I was a swimmer born four days after

No Schlafly?

Hahaha, drink what you want, but PBR still tastes like fizzy, skunked, shit. And I LOVE cheap beer.

I've probably been to more places in AZ than you have, supposed native, and the only parts that are populated that deserve being spared annihilation are Bisbee and Flagstaff. On top of that they have the worst police in the country.


Any fan who thought the large beer was a better deal and shelled out $7 for the 20 oz. beer instead of paying $8 for two 16 oz. deserves what they got.

Oh, great. So now this turncoat gets to play for Azerbaijan too?

Like the plural of the knife? Dirks? That's how I've always heard it on the radio.

It got really old last year. It was funny when Drew did it, because he actually is funny. When everyone else tried to copy him though, it got old, unfunny, and just plain hateful, very quickly. To top it off, since the only way shitty sports writers outside of deadspin know how to be edgy is to copy Drew, they then

I've been a HR Manager for 18 years. I am a male. I have been trained in recognizing and investigating Harassment and Bullying. I have investigated such claims in the workplace.

Dale gave his speech before The Daily Show aired theirs. At least by a day.

Shame on you for embedding an auto-play video in your comment. That is despicable.

The simple fact is that outside of hockey, very few of the Winter Olympic sports have any kind of large following in the US. So the people that do tune in to these broadcasts will do so solely to root on their country.

This is profoundly stupid. NBC's broadcast is produced for US viewers.

Yeah, no. I consider myself a humanist, athiest and skeptic. But I also consider that respecting other peoples' right to faith and belief without insult to be very important. It's absolutely NOT necessary to go 'hahaha your beleifs are stupid' in order to for "argument, challenge or reasoned debate.". Just stop being