
If you were dating and he said he wanted to downgrade to friendship status, that is not the same as being "friend-zoned." Being friend-zoned is when (in the victimized mind of the person using the term) the guy (it's usually a guy) wants to date the girl, but instead of asking her out he tries to be her friend. Then

Accidental double post. It just rips my heart out when I do this.

So, I am going to say something that will shock a lot of people. But as someone who use to be obese is now thin I can tell overweight people that very few if anyone if looking at you. I use to obsess about my weight, look at thinner people with envy and give people larger than me looks. But now I don't, I am not

I always get nervous when I read that people feel that they are being stared at and judged at the gym...I am constantly trying to distract myself from misery and pain on the treadmill/bike/elliptical, and this often ends in staring at everyone around me. I try not to do it, but I'll bet that some of these people who

Agreed. I got no hate for Indiana, because Indiana kind of knows that it sucks, plus you can get cheap gas, booze, cigarettes and fireworks there. but i'm at my Chicago desk, right now, hating the shit out of Wisconsin.

Shouldn't Arizona's arrow point south?

Suspension or no suspension, he doesn't seem to be missing any plate appearances.

So this and the people taking too much space on public transit tumblr both have a great idea but the vast majority of the pictures don't even show people really taking up too much space. If the car/bus isn't close to full I'm not going to be mad at someone for having a bag on the seat, and I'm damn sure not going to

would like to see more of his curve; very athletic midsection; want him to go deeper into the hole; i'm lonely.

If this was some huge fat woman people were making fun of Jezebel would be in a fury. Just sayin'.

He's goofing off with the Cowboys' head of security, but nah, don't bother to update the post or anything. As long as you can make someone look like an asshole, it's all good.

That's the head of team security, supposedly they are good friends.

I wish that someone other than Bernstein had written this column. Bernstein has a well-deserved reputation as a troll and a dickhead, but I don't think he is wrong here. He's not blaming Derrick for getting hurt at all, his main point was that Derrick has surrounded himself with the wrong kind of people at this stage

No matter the price, they're bound to get smoked.

If the Angels want to pay fair market value for Trout, about $1.85/lb.

Probably not, because acting like a fedora atheist a) doesn't accomplish anything but getting another lecture b)isn't the best way to get interviews and c) means they might not take you out hunting in the awesome preserve they've probably spend millions on.

I like your idea. Mix it up a bit. Possibly anyone gay on that team? double whammy!

I feel like we need a few representatives of the 1980 hockey team.

What's with Phoenix sports broadcasters and DUIs? Something must be in the water down there.