
The New Zealand team has played a vigorous preparatory schedule in the US & the Caribbean in the last month:

'Tell me more about this All White roster" - Adolph Rupp's Ghost

Devils Advocate: They should do it like soccer, and eject and suspend people after their second foul. We can totally trust basketball referees with that much game-changing power.

What a nice gesture by this Hooters. These are the kinds of memories that'll last these young football players for the rest of the afternoon.

"Not a lot of fans realize this, but newspaper... is made from trees."

Perhaps they should use the terms "casual" and "militant" as descriptors. You know, I'm a casual atheist. I only share my Godless ways when I'm high. Or, I'm a militant Christian. I'll physically burn you when the religious wars come as opposed to merely doing it figuratively online.

You can have your "preferences." But it's generally a good idea to keep your uncomfortable racial stereotypes to yourself. You're going to scare off the ladies.

I feel like OKC needs a religious descriptor option that says something like "not particularly serious about it, but my family is so you need to at least be willing to tag along when they inevitably make me bring you to a religious event with them".

I always got introduced by mutual friends.

Who said Boston hated it when the Blackhawks did it? I'm a Bruins fan, I thought it was a classy gesture after a hard-fought, close, tense series that didn't go our way.

Well, because it's been guilt by association the past two weeks for Cardinal fans, I guess now I have to admit I secretly have hated Obama, even though I voted for him twice, and I secretly cheered for Zimmerman because I am a racist midwest hillbilly, even though I participated in two of the three local hoody walks,

Cowboys and Manchester United also, right?

OMG!! This guy is all over OK Cupid and POF...He loves wine and silky jazz but really he just wants to bone. bobbyPIA is his screen name for those that are interested. :)

I'm going to wager that with his views on Zimmerman and other issues, he isn't a big NBA guy.