
I think this is horrible to waste that food, and I do understand the plight of food insecurity and deserts in Chicago. I do also walk from the Kedzie Pink line 1 block from this up Kedzie to Little Village for work. Cermak is 3 blocks away(~2-4 min walk) and is filled with Mexican neighborhood grocery stores.

This is well and good, but we are currently going through the adoption process and it is a pain in the ass. We want to rescue a dog. No shelters want to allow us to rescue. DINK, own condo with large fenced in backyard. Live across street from work. Apparently that’s not good enough.

which means the government is still going to have to pick up the tab anyway....

My wife has played water polo forever, and tried to teach me the whole eggbeater technique. Yah, not a success.

I delete people on their birthdays. It keeps my friend list active. Every day when I get the notification that it’s someone’s birthday, I think about 1)do i still know them, 2)do they provide any value to my life in being a facebook friend. Then I delete them and move on. People are so overwhelmed with facebook on

i dont get the sudden snobbery towards pumpkin beer. A few Schlafly Pumpkins and I’m happy as a clam

In my mid 20's, I used to drink a lot of IPA’s and stouts, the higher the alcohol content the better. Unfortunately, it’s hard to tell how drunk you are-and then it just hits you and you are hamsauced. After a few blackouts, I went back to lite beers. Mostly now I either drink wine or miller lite. I know exactly how

dont forget southwest has free live tv

hawaii also has 3x average household income as puerto ricans. They also are an actual state and aren’t under complete control by congress.

like moulton? he seems a bit cocky but i’d fucking love to see him debate trump in 2020

He’s not reasonable. at all. check his record over the last 2 years.

yah, I’m team Pawar for now but would be happy with Biss as well. As for Pritzker, he has incredible name recognition(since his family has donated so much to all sorts of things-hell I was in Florence, Italy last week and in one of the museums there was a plaque commemorating donations from The Pritzker family). I’m

which he just squeezed into the budget at the last minute...

No. Do not celebrate this ASSHAT. He has run my state into the fucking ground over the last 2 years, showing along the way he doesn’t give a fuck about social services, and threatening to veto back in April during the budget crisis. Bruce Rauner is a fucking asshole,

Wouldn’t know. I’ve already autoprogrammed DirectTV to switch from NBC to ABC at 9AM

Watched the today show at work for the last 5 years. Today, day 2 of Megyn Kelly, we switched to ABC.

Rose is a fucking idiot

right. Most of Obama’s more popular executive orders were basically to force Congress to actually fucking do something. Of course they didn’t, and here we are.

I agree. Let them build a wall in exchange for putting Daca to rest. we are 20Trillion in debt. I dont give a fuck about 60B. I give a fuck about 800k innocent kids.

Was just thinking the same thing. Then retire to your mansion in the mountains