
Chicago’s recycling has been a shitshow. Since they cut down on sorting at the facility, if you have 1 pizza box in a recycling dumpster, the whole thing goes to the landfill instead. Impossible to keep it clean with alleys and neighbors dumping their trash in any bin they see closest.

went to a game about 2 months ago while i was in town visiting a friend. The atmosphere was awesome and the team is really good. Couldn’t believe they weren’t an MLS team

actually that’s the worst thing that could happen. If he dies, the Republican governor picks a senator, who will be hard line repub...and they can then force something through.

Is nobody literally thinking about Mccain passing away while in office, being replaced by a hardline Repub by their Republican Governor, and them forcing it through anyway? Only a matter of time.  

The unfortunate thing is Mccain will probably die in office, be replaced by a hardliner by their Republican Governor, and they can ram that shit through afterall.

except that was the republican plan that the dems had to compromise with. You think Dems wanted exchanges? nope

i have and will keep the regular version. I just use it without any combs to replace an electric razor and do it 2x/wk. I have noticed the replacement blade I bought from norelco is much less close than the original.

i have and will keep the regular version. I just use it without any combs to replace an electric razor and do it

if you live in chicago, go to and you get $100 off that. I got one for $98

if you live in chicago, go to and you get $100 off that. I got one for $98

Oh crap I got it wrong. I’ll change it. Still it’s a free 0.5%

Oh crap I got it wrong. I’ll change it. Still it’s a free 0.5%

I wonder if this extends my Fresh membership at all.

I wonder if this extends my Fresh membership at all.

Paul Ryan will say the Republicans all need to come together and pass Bills because they are “literally under attack”. Trump will launch public campaign calling any Repub who disagrees a “traitor”.

yeah and his profile goes back a few years with bernie posts. Not a right wing “plant” by any means. Goddamnit.

I wear a sunshirt now. Lightweight from Columbia. I’m 31 and Married, I don’t give a shit if my chest is tan. I’d rather not have a painful shoulder burn for a week at work.

Last Friday morning I weighed 242.6. Last Friday Night after eating at Girl and the Goat(very delicious but salt laden food), I weighed 251. It was crazy! Took several days to finally normalize back down and clear the salt from my body.

exactly. I owe 150k, and even though I pay them 900/month, my balance hasn’t moved. Goddamn 7.5% interest. It’s in the promissory note. Those bastards better come through or I’m escaping to mexico

For my mother in law, I picked up a full work shift Sunday to avoid having dinner. Best gift I ever gave myself.

I should have never taken out the $5k in 2011 from my roth ira to fund a higher lifestyle. Stupid stupid stupid.

SOOO Happy there will still be funding for PBS. Didn’t start watching until 2-3 years ago, but the nightly local “chicago tonight” is much more informative and thought provoking than any other local news.

That was a great Left Jab at the end

I just watched a 15 min interview of Skloot on Chicago PBS last night(reran from when they originally did it when the book came out). Did not see any signs of white savior. She seemed to be sympathetic to all sides and explain it in the time period.